Posto Coqueiro | Informal Campsite



3 months ago
4.0 masl


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Pernoitamos no posto. Excelente. Espaço exclusivo para MH. Pavimentado, plano, com energia e água. Também silencioso.

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Good sleeping spot. We slept in front of the restaurant. How close to the entrada how better the wifi will reach in the Van. We filled up the diesel. Got a free carwash with it. And the shower is hot and for free and good pressure. My shower was not clean but i just did not touch anything haha. You have to get a key for the shower. You have a little room so we went together because we only have one shampoo.

Further the toilets are very clean! And very quit because we slept away from the trucks.

Perfect night.

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A very big place. Park behind the restaurant if you want to be away from the highway noise. Also, note that the entrance to the car parking area is restricted to 3.0m height. We are 3.2 m but you can drive around the back and get to the smaller vehicle parking area anyway. We did not have access to electrical outlets but the wfi was OK.

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Excelente posto, grande e novo.
Tem um enorme restaurante, banheiros limpos e até tomada de energia para conectar no carro.
Pessoal muito amigável

Excellent station, big and new.
It has a huge restaurant, clean bathrooms and even a power outlet to plug into the car.
Very friendly staff

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Passamos a noite aqui. Energia e agua, ok

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Ipiranga, Coqueiro sobre BR392 entre Vila Quinta y RioGrande.
Baños con duchas caliente impecables.
Wi fi, tranquilo y muy seguro.
Cafetería con venta de enseres basicos de higiene y alimentos y Restaurante con buen precio.
Hemos pernoctado en varias oportunidades y no nos defrauda.

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Excelente para pasar la noche. Lugares para estacionar con electricidad. Baños muy buenos.

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Ótima parada para almoço. Aberto até as 23h
Com Wi-Fi bom
Estacionamento reservado ao fundo excelente com banheiros ótimos, mas não dormimos.

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Espaço para pernoite reservado, com água, várias tomadas de energia, wifi, banheiros limpos com banho quente, restaurante, venda de utilidades para viajantes, 600 metros de mercado, atendimento muito simpático.

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a descrição e certa..tudo legal!!
comida livre e ducha também

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estación de servicio, tiene wifi. Agua caliente y fría para beber y mate.
las duchas muy limpias y gratuitas para lxs ciclistas.
los empleados fueron muy hospitalarios y nos dieron todas las atenciones posibles.
En el restaurante de al lado nos dieron comida para cenar

gas station, has wifi. Hot and cold water to drink and mate. very clean and free showers for cyclists. the employees were very hospitable and gave us all possible care. At the restaurant next door we were given food for dinner

posto de gasolina, tem wifi. Água quente e fria para beber e acasalar. chuveiros muito limpos e gratuitos para os ciclistas. os funcionários foram muito hospitaleiros e nos deram todo o cuidado possível. No restaurante ao lado nos deram comida para o jantar

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apoio a motorhome com energia, água e banheiros. segurança 24h

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