Gas Areco S.A.C.I. | Propane



about 1 month ago
328.0 masl


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Filled up propane gas bottle (US Standard 1 gallon).
Price 200 ARS for 2 kg.

Lun. a Vie. 7 a 12 hs. - 14 a 17 hs.
Sab. 7 a 11 hs.


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Lun. a Vie. 7 a 12 hs. - 14 a 17 hs.
Sab. 7 a 11 hs.

2000 peso per 2 kg
1€ : 1100 pesos

Efficient servicing

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2000 pesos por kg ( 1€ :1 100 )
Efficient and quick servicing 😃👍🏼!

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Only bottles but change of several brands and load.

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Recarregamos nosso gás aqui. Nosso botijão é Brasileiro de 13L. Usaram nosso adaptador para poder recarregar. Eles não tem o adaptador precisa levar junto. Custou $2400. Nem acreditamos de tão barato!

We recharge our gas here. Our cylinder is Brazilian 13L. They used our adapter to recharge. They don't have the adapter you need to bring along. It cost $2400 pesos. We can't believe it's so cheap!

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750 pesos to exchange a tank. They took our black tank and gave us a cream colored tank. We told them we are going to El Bolson and Bariloche and made sure we could exchange their tank there.

Friendly staff and easy transaction.

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Still working very quick service $1000 charge for a big model (13 kgs)

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Filled up propane gas bottle (US Standard 1 gallon).
Price 200 ARS for 2 kg.

Lun. a Vie. 7 a 12 hs. - 14 a 17 hs.
Sab. 7 a 11 hs.

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