Parqueo El Amigo | Informal Campsite



18 days ago
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Safe parking lot next to a family house. 25 Quetzales to camp /park. Alberto is the guide we used takes up to the campsite in Volcan Acatenango for 100 Quetzales per person. (2 people min). An additional 50 Quetzales per person need to be paid at entrance of protected area of the Volcano. Albertos phone number is +502 45860663 Spanish only.


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Parqueo "el amigo"
It's a local family lot, easy access, 30q. for 24hs, we parked our van here while doing the acatenango hike by ourselves. There is no roof but is a safe place.
Es un terreno de una familia local, fácil acceso, 30q. por 24hs, estacionamos nuestra van acá mientras hicimos la caminata al volcán Acatenango por nuestra cuenta. No es techado pero es un lugar seguro.

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Perfect location to let your car during hiking Acatenango volcano. We paid 25Q. The path is just at the right of parking when you go out.

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Q30 for leaving our van overnight. Arrived 9am and got back 10am or so the next day.

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Safe parking and ideal location from the trail of Acatenango. Arrived at 8am and left the next day at 12am. Payed Q30. Didn’t spend the night there, just used as parking while hiking.

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We paid Q30 a night but I’m sure you can negociate to Q25. Nice option to go hiking Acatenango by yourself. Just 5min from the mail trail.
They have toilets

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todo muy bien y seguro para dejar las moto y hacer la chimenea en los volcanes! 6 días todo ok

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Still 25Q per night. Spent a calm night here before heading to Acatenango and left the van here while we were on the volcano.

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very nice family. you can park and it is very safe. still 25q for the night

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Perfect place to leave the car while hiking on the volcano. Still 25Q car/day.

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Great place to park for the hike up Acatenango. The family is super sweet and friendly. We camped one night and parked the van for one night. If you sleep there it’s pretty quiet and they have a pit toilet for use. Our van was safe and secure. 25Q/night

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Dejamos la camioneta en el lugar por25 Q. Héctor nos indicó en qué lugar podíamos acampar en el Acatenango, es un lugar ideal al que llegamos después de 6:45 hs de caminata, no pagamos el servicio de guía ya que nuestro presupuesto es muy acotado. Armamos la carpa justo frente al volcán de fuego, fue impactante sentir las explosiones, ver el magma, estrellas fugaces, algo único. Héctor y su familia son muy amables

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Dexeiamos a Van estacionada aí, tem um caminho de asfalto bem bom para chegar, mais se colocar no vai por um caminho bem ruim. Pagamos 25,00 Quetzales para deixar aí, lugar seguro e tranquilo. Eles te mostram o caminho para chegar no Parque e o Sr. Hector Quino que é um guia local te indica onde acampar de graça se estiver indo por conta. Pagamos somente a entrada no Parque que custou 50,00 Quetzales por pessoa.

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We rented a tent from hector for 50Q. The tent was pretty old and had no rain cover, thus we got a bit wet.
The view of Fuego was amazing the hike was really tough. Went without a guide, easy to follow on we could stay on Hectors camping site above.

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I parked my car here before doing the acatenango trek. Perfect spot, and great trek. Be prapered! They also have here electricity if you need to charge your phone before and after the treck. Bathroom as well

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We parked the car here overnight while we did the Volcano Acatenengo hike. 25Q to park.

Hike trailhead is less than 100 meters away. We did the hike on our own and just followed the trail on Guide was not necessary and we saw lots of people on the trail.

We camped overnight in the Volcano crater. Very cool experience, but it does get chilly and windy so bring a good sleeping bag and tent and check the forecast to make sure there is no rain.

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Parked here overnight for 25 QTC, the start of the trail is across the street. We hiked without a guide, just two of us. In the entrance to the National Park we paid 50 QTC per person. We will need a tent, sleeping bags, food, 4 liters (1 gallon) of water per person and hiking poles (nice to have). We stayed on top overnight: if you go late in the weekend, could have a problem with finding a place to put the tent in. We were asked 5$ from one guy, but ignored him and find another place to camp. Better to start early in the morning to avoid it.

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We Use the gt adventure company in town for the 2 days hike 350 qz + 50 entry fee.
start in theory at 9.15 am collect everybody, bring to trailhead after delay in get the food.
They supply food, tent, under at, sleeping bag, medicaments.
Start climbing in a group of 20 get in tight tent with old sleeping bags. Try to sleep, wake up at 4.30 go up for sunrise around 6.30 back by 2.00in Antigua .
We find someone that did it on their own , just pay the 50qz at the check in booth along the trail.
If you plan to sleep at base camp be prepared.
The top is just shy of 4000, you sleep at 3.600)
Bring water 3 liter, walking sticks, (useful on slopes of loose rocks) , hat, gloves, extra layers, good sleeping bags, tent, wind breaker jacket, food, something you can warm your food or something you can cut and chop wood.
You can rent most of the stuff from local guides.
You can do it in one day,is tough climb and you will lose sunrise on top if you leave later then 3.00 am and will be tough going down after sunset. Clouds tend to roll in in the morning if you are up middle of day you will probably lose some of the view
You can also hike closer to vulcano fuego from base camp. advise to get a guide if you want to do that, extra 100/200 qz for that. In Jen weather could be miserable with ice rain and wet...
Great views and you are on the highest volcano of Central America !

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We parked here to hike the Acatenango volcano. We wanted to do it without guide but it seemed to be forbidden. We are really use to mountaineering and we didn't wanted to do it with a guide. We tried to do it alone and actually we had no problem. We only paid for the parking 25q for the night and the entrance of the volcan 50q/pers. There is 2 different trails to go which both lead to the top. You can't be lost if you use and you are use to do it.
At the final base camp (where you have the best view) guides may ask you to pay 50q/pers to sleep here on their installations. We negotiated with them and we didn't pay. Awesome view and landscape. Take a guide if you don't feel comfortable otherwise it's quite easy !

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We hiked with Hector, really friendly, they also rent sleepingbags and fat jackets if you need it, the price is pretty flexible for the renting stuff 😂

for overnight trip 350 + 50p.p volcanentry
+ 25per day parking

they have a new phone number: +502 53 27 50 84

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Alberto is a great guide! 350Q for an overnight trip. Established campsite at the top with fire pits and pit toilets.

You can rent walking sticks that his son carves for 5Q. You'll need them.

As stated by others, overnight parking is 25Q.

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Alberto is amazing guide, with a lot of experience. We paid 350qtz for 4 people and a dog. We felt safe with him all the time. It tooked us 6 hours to go up and 4 down, he said we were the ones who took the most time so don't feel ashamed. Ahaha. It's very very difficult but it's worth it.

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Hector is a great guide. Hiked Acetanengo with him, very professional. Safe and friendly family. Family will cook food (traditional) for you if required. Prices as per photo. Guiding companies in town recently increased their prices so this is definitely the most economical way to do it especially if a group size larger than 2.

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The owner Hector and his family are super friendly and a joy to hang out with. We felt very safe sleeping in our car and leaving it in the gates lot during the climb. There is always someone around at the house to keep watch. There is a palapa to hang out and cook under if it's raining. It took my wife and I 4 hours to climb to the summit including breaks, then 2.5 hours to descend to the trailhead. I'd definitely start hiking by 4-5am if you want to summit in one day. Clouds and stormy weather enclose the mountain by 8-9am most days. If you want clear views and good weather get up there early! We paid 25Q per night to park and camp. Definitely worth it. We had 2 horses and a cow right next to our car! Very peaceful.

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Hike up the volcano is amazing, and we would definitely recommend Hector. You may well get one of his sons if he's already got a hike arranged.

We did the overnight hike, and camped at Hector's camp spot. Where we were there didn't appear to be anywhere level to camp that wasn't created by the guides.

I would definitely recommend the overnight hike as it's a tough climb and if you are lucky you might get to see Fuego erupting, but be prepared for the cold. I think it often clouds over in the afternoon and gets windy before clearing around midnight. Go light but don't scrimp on layers or water (4 litres to be on the safe side, but check with Hector as he might have some cached).

I'm not sure about the midnight hike. Cold and dark slog up, then straight back down again? I'd just start early and at least get some decent weather.

Prices were 300Q for midnight hike or overnighter, plus 50Q to camp in his basic yard (with pit toilet).

Great & cheap bakery next door.

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We started the hike 00:45 at night and where up on top just before sunrise. 5 hours up and 3 down. 1600m elevation gain on uphill hike. We enjoyed the views about an 1,5 hours. Take lots of warm clothes! We saw one guy with shorts (!) and we had full winter gear on. The guide was very good and informative for hea 18 years of age. We liked him a lot. 300Q for the overnight hike+25Q for the parking. We showed up 5pm at the same day and it was ok. Did not had to pay the park fee as we started in the middle of the night.

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My favourite place so far in Guatemala! Charged 25 per car for the two of us. We camped. Such a lovely family !

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the erupting fuego was the coolest thing i've ever seen, I think we got really lucky, constant activity, huge lava fountains. 2 bikers out of shape as well, hard but doable (5h up, 2-3h down), camped on the western side, no guide.
A month ago 6 people died up there because they were cought by a cold front, so be prepared and listen to other guides if you go on your own.
I think it's worth to get a walking stick :)

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1 person, 1 dog for the way up only and parking...200q. I carried my tent and such to sleep at the top and walked down myself. I'm super out of shape but it took ne only 5 hours.

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We parked there and started the hike at midnight. At 4:30am we reached the top and saw the red lava in the dark and the sunrise later. Amazing view, but can be very cold (windy) at the top.
For parking and guide for the night hike we paid 300 Quetzales. When we started the hike, we were suprised that Hector's 17-year old son was our guide. He didn't know a lot, had not even the licence as a guide. So we think it's not correct what Hector did. If we pay for a professional guide, we expect that. But for parking is a good place though. Next time I would ask some other guides at the entrance too.

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We liked our hike to Acatenango to see Fuego so much that we ended up doing it again. This time we camped at parqueo El Amigo. Hector, the owner, and his family are incredibly nice and accomodating. This IS hands down the most convenient place to camp by the trailhead to Acatenango. 25 Quetzales per car per night.

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same description has overland the Americas...Alberto is a great guide, cost only 200Q for the day for a group of 6! he was really patient during the all hike. beautiful view from the parking

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Safe parking lot next to a family house. 25 Quetzales to camp /park. Alberto, the owner, is also a guide and can take you up to the campsite in Volcan Acatenango for 100 Quetzales per person. (2 people min). An additional 50 Quetzales per person need to be paid at entrance of protected area of the Volcano.

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