The Box | Wild Camping

United States


9 days ago
1625.0 masl


Pit Toilets
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BLM Campground. pit toilet. people come here to rock climb.


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Camping (overnight parking) is not allowed. Vault toilet.

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Hiked about and found fresh Bison tracks and turds. Cell service was between 0 and 2 bars but seems decent from the parking area.

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Very pretty, no problems staying in the parking lot with travel trailer. Dead silent at night, peaceful. No service with verizon

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Stayed three nights (we went climbing) the places has amazin views and decent climbing just minutes from the parking. Pit toilet was clean. During the day some cars come in to see the place or use the bathroom. Weak cell signal but uf you have a Booster you get strong signal

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It was a great place, and a few other campers. There’s a beautiful view on the canyon! There’s one toilet.

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Took one of the first pull offs before the trailhead for the Box. ATT 2-3 bars. Pretty decent views even though some include the highway. Other rough roads I assume get to more camping spots but I didn't want to risk not being able to turn around with my trailer. More broken glass around my site than I'd like but relatively clean

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got here at night while snowing. rwd cargo van made it no prob, didn't stay because I didn't have cell service (att) at the trailhead. there was very good service near the entrance by rt60 and small area where 2 or 3 vehicles can park, still didn't stay cuz someone was occupying that place too and I didn't want to bother or scare them.

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We made it here in a 26 ft class C, just have to go slow. We decided not to stay the night, this is a parking lot for people going hiking. Maybe later in the day or on a week day it would be quieter and more relaxing.

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Good for the night. The road to the parking lot was ok. 2rwd cargo van, no issues.

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We're up the road about 1/2 way between the parking lot and the start of the hill up to The Box Canyon. A nice hard packed dirt site with a fire ring, beside the survey marker.

Lots of folks at both The Box and The Box Canyon tonight.

NPR at 89.1.

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Parking lot with toilet as described. No shadow but level place. Come with an 28 feed RV. Unpaved road in acceptable condition.

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still beautiful. The first spot on the rd. in seems to have the best cell signal but more traffic.

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The unpaved road in is about half a mile from HWY 60 and is in good condition. Camping is at The Box trailhead parking lot with a vault toilet. About 45 min drive to Very Large Array. We had 3 other campers here. Really quiet.

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