nacional gas Next to supermercado do pai | Propane



about 2 months ago
31.3 masl


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Within the parking lot of the do pai supermarket is national gas. They recharged the entire Mexican bottle at the time, 4kg 100 reais --- refield my mexican gaz bottle at the moment

dentro del aparcamiento del supermercado do pai está nacional gas. me recargaron la garrafa mexicana entera en el momento, 4kg 100 reales


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we were able to fill out South-African 3 kg bottle here with an USA adapter that we have. Bit expensive 150 real for 3kg but this was the first place that would do refilla.

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they just say no, we can't for your Argentina bottle

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No recarga garrafas Argentinas en este lugar

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If you are thinking to stay in the country for long, my recommendation is to change your system to a Brazilian one ( that’s wat we dit ) we try several places to refill are bottles but in this country is “illegal” we faun a guy I Paraty that can do the job but he charge 30 Rs per kg, to much! Here is his phone number just in case Amauri +55 (24) 99993-3656 if you decide to change to the Brazilian system is very easy , you just need to replace the valve and buy a new bottle 8 kg 330 Rs and 13kg around 360 Rs

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refield my mexican gaz bottle at the moment

dentro del aparcamiento del supermercado do pai está nacional gas. me recargaron la garrafa mexicana entera en el momento, 4kg 100 reales

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