Armed road block by men without uniforms | Warning



11 days ago
629.5 masl


Something not right?


Two men with rifles blocking the road with 4 cones. These men were NOT wearing any kind of uniform. There was rope across the top of the cones in each lane, but a gap in the middle. Similar to how kids set up makeshift toll booths I'm Colombia and Central America. Except these were NOT kids and they had rifles. I began to slow initially thinking it was a police checkpoint until I realized they were not, in fact, police. Pinned the throttle and sailed passed the gap in the rope (motorcycle). one of the men yelled something at me as I passed but I couldn't make out what he said.


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Stopped for a donation. Guys were perfectly friendly. I gave them s/3.

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Absolutely harmless guy. He asked us for a voluntary donation for the protection of the area. Gave him 2 soles... and teached him how to say 'money' correctly in English 🙂.

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Still here. Two guys wearing some army clothes which didn’t look official and defiantly weren’t nice while passing. Demanded us to stop and give money. People before us gave money so we decided to give some as well (but didn’t like it) but not more than 2 soles.

We think that it isn’t a official checkpoint but didn’t want to have any consequences especially because a few meters after this point there was a long line of cars waiting for the stones of a landslide to be taken away from the road.

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The armed men are still there, Saturday morning, 10am. They let us pass. But we saw locals handing gifts/fee. Really strange.

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Saw the locals honk and just drive without stopping, they will take the cones away in time so you don't destroy the construction they made. Little down the road some kids try to stop the cars with rocks on the path. They did not know what to do with us and lets us pass.

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These two men with guns were here blocking the road. They asked a “boleto de securidad”, we pretend not understanding and we did not let them time to think. We drove

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Two men with rifles blocking the road with 4 cones. These men were NOT wearing any kind of uniform. There was rope across the top of the cones in each lane, but a gap in the middle. Similar to how kids set up makeshift toll booths I'm Colombia and Central America. Except these were NOT kids and they had rifles. I began to slow initially thinking it was a police checkpoint until I realized they were not, in fact, police. Pinned the throttle and sailed passed the gap in the rope (motorcycle). one of the men yelled something at me as I passed but I couldn't make out what he said.

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