Route Laguna Diamante - Antofagasta | Warning



8 days ago
5032.4 masl


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This route going from Laguna Diamante to Antofagasta is beautiful but extremely remote and not easy. At about this position there are some very steep parts, where you need a proper off-road vehicle. Otherwise you might get stuck in the middle of nowhere.


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I rode a circular route from Antofagasta to Laguna Diamante and then to El Peñón. I did it on a Honda XR 250 motorbike. The section from Antofagasta to Laguna Diamante is only for real off-road vehicles. Make sure you take the detour through this waypoint! Even on the OpenStreet Maps it's written "to avoid the steep loose incline". Make sure you follow that route! I didn't check the map at that point and I took the other route... It was extremely steep with huge potholes created by 4x4s that were trying to ascent and had their whole wheels buried. I was going downhill but still, I crashed there. There was no way I could ride that part uphill! That's why if you decide to do this route, it's better to do it from Antofagasta to Laguna Diamante and not in the opposite direction. No map shows roads on the South side of Laguna Diamante but there are some. However, there is again a steep downhill part with huge potholes. From Laguna Diamante to El Peñón is relatively easy. The dirt road is corrugated but a motorbike or 4x4 shouldn't have any trouble in that section.

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Yes, this route is challenging because of steepness, rough roads and remoteness. And also the altitude. Some signs along the road suggest that it is only for 4wd vehicles. I would say with low gearing as well. We did it with a L300 4wd so you don't need 150hp, with correct gearing 80hp will work too. There is one section trough a canyon which would be to narrow for trucks. Maybe a short wheel base unimog could fit, but it's narrow and uneven, and sharp corners all in one. Check out the other warning way point for this. Maybe satellite images reveal an alternative for this section, although I did not see onefrom the ground.

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We tried this route today. 4WD definitely necessary. And we turned in the dark.
It has indeed some very steep parts. But the main problem at this time of the year is, that there is snow at some hills. Especially on the hills that are mainly in the shadow. With these snow fields you don’t see all the tracks and some are too deep if you have not a high clearance vehicle. We have a Toyota 4Runner from the fabric and we got stucked. Luckily our friends helped us out.

For the steep parts on the route you really need to have a powerful vehicle, otherwise you won’t made it up the hill. Under 150 PS was not enough for our friends on a snowy mountain.

Route is maybe easier when you come from Antofogasta as you will drive the steepest part down. Our way back was possible without any problems (from Antofogasta to Laguna Diamond).

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This route going from Laguna Diamante to Antofagasta is beautiful but extremely remote and not that easy. At about this position there are some very steep parts, where you need a proper off-road vehicle. Otherwise you might get stuck in the middle of nowhere.

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