Easy shortcut Cachicadan - Huamachuco | Other



11 days ago
2500.0 masl


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This is an easy shortcut via road 117/115/116 between Cachicadan and Huamachuco instead of following the much longer route via road 3N. We very not sure about the road condition first, because we had some terrible roads in Peru's rainy season showing exactly like that on the OSM maps. This one is really good though. The first part coming from Cachicadan is even a tarmac road in an ok condition.


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Did this road going north. Beautiful scenery as compared to the road from Pallasca to Cachicadan. A lot more greener. 117 is a paved road with lots of unpaved sections. 115/116 are unpaved with lots of potholes. But, it nothing compared to the potholes from the road going to Cajabamaba from Huamachuco. That is even worse. On the other hand, I counted 7-8 water crossings, probably because it rained heavily the day before. Still less than 10-15cms. I did this road in my motorcycle without any problems. Saves a bunch of time.

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Traveled this route from north to south with our Rog 6x2.2x3.3m The 116/115 is full of potholes and bumpy and some riverbed crossings, but no problem. The 117 down to Cachicadan is smooth and in a good condition. The shortcut is really worth it and beautiful landscape.

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still very good and easy to drive with our motorbikes! very little rivers still not more than 10cm (and only 3-8m long)

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Shortcut which is definetly worth it. Drove it with the motorcycles and it took us 1h 40min. Road is quite good although only can recommend it for a jeep or a land rover. There are smaller river crossings (10cm) but I am writing this in dry season (September) so during wet season definitely avoid it!

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it's a dirt road shortcut. fine for anyone on two wheels. if you're on four wheels, you probably want 4x4 and high clearance. it's a small road that won't be fast, but a lot more direct than the main road. mostly in acceptable condition. took me 5.5 hours to ride my bicycle from huamachuco to cachicadan

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wait! this is one of those ridicolous posts!! after a few kms (from turnoff coming frm Huamachuco) "the asphalt" section mentioned is from the 60's!! with huge potholes! better if it was dirt! superslow yes 'landscape nice' as everywhere else

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This is an easy shortcut via road 117/115/116 between Cachicadan and Huamachuco instead of following the much longer route via road 3N. We very not sure about the road condition first, because we had some terrible roads in Peru's rainy season showing exactly like that on the OSM maps. This one is really good though. The first part coming from Cachicadan is even a tarmac road in an ok condition.

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