Gardiner School Field / Arch Park | Overnight Prohibited

United States


14 days ago
1605.1 masl


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Overnight Prohibited camping is illegal here.


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This location Is not visible as a wild camping ...

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AT the arch Park, there is a sign "no camping". if you go a little further behind the library, you will find neat the football Park, ,5 place to spend overnight. there are 2 campers wich seems to Stacy there for a long Time. we spent 2 nights without any issue. cool with deers rating grass in front of us.

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We stayd here in front of the a little Park on the Street, there is Water and some tables to picnic.

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Quiet spot with a lot of other rvs using the parking lot. There was a wash n fold place about 4 mins up the way where we plugged some of our electronics. The football field had a ton of elk grazing in it at dusk.

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arrived in the dark. 3 other rvs. in morning beautiful out. elk in the field. slept relaxed

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Stayed one night here, parked in between the library and the Arch park. There were a few other vans too. Very nice view of the arch.

Close to the North entrance wash tub where there’s toilet, showers, washing mashing.

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Very quiet at night. 4 other RVs/cars. Your can get water from the park and wi-fi from the library.

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Parking next to the small Library and right in front of the Gardiner School Field. Level parking spots with views of Elks grazing the field in the evenings. Very quiet and peaceful. There is a No Camping sign but there are no No Overnight Parking signs. Stayed with about 5 other RVs and there were no problems, few look like they are permanently parked. Strong service - 5 bars Tmobile and Verizon.

Bonus: Across the street at the Park there is water connection and electrical hook up (not sure if it's turned on) but water def is, I filled up my tank in the morning.

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