RN15 - Tar Road to Tibati via Yoko | Other



about 1 month ago
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Here starts the proper tar road that will lead you to Yoko 20 Km further.
The road is by here totally finished and in neat condition up until Tibati.
Easy way after we drove 2 half days around the road works in the compact muddy track from Natchingal to here.


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To update, this was a fantastic stretch of road after crossing the Banyo border.

Tibati > Yoko was perfect tarmac with twists and turns not seen since Morocco. Very enjoyable. The tarmac now extends a lot further past Yoko approx 80km to around Mankim. From here there is about 40km of ‘construction road’ with hard packed tracks from trucks and some muddy(ish) diversions around unfinished bridge sections. After this is a mix of good/unfinished tarmac and fresh new road until you hit Yaoundé.

Completely recommend this route over Banyo > Bafoussam.

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We did it at the beginning of February. It's still under construction but very good to drive on it. No checkpoints. It's a very good option!

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Very bad road if it’s raining, can be dangerous since there’s lot of trucks and the road is slippery, they said next year it will be asphalt ( check yo pictures)

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Banyo>Tibati is dirt - no elevation changes easy road.
Tibati>Yoko asphalt - good road near zero traffic.
Yoko (20km south)>Natchingal - mix of hard pack dirt, mud, gravel, water pools in track (riders take care - some pools are deep!) Some sections very slippery after rain. Moto riders look for detours around bad sections - just like Banyo>Guroji track.
I did Yoko>Yaounda in 7 hrs - beginning of November after big rain. Track was snotty in parts.

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Here starts the proper tar road that will lead you to Yoko standing 20 Km further.
The road is by here totally finished and in neat condition up until Tibati.
Easy way after we drove 2 half days around the road works in the compact muddy track from Natchingal to here.

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