4x4 Professional - Carlos Martin Combina Espejo | Mechanic and Parts



11 days ago
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This is the Chief Mechanic of Lima's 4x4 scenery. Once you arrive, you don't find any information, signs - nothing. Annoying yes, but don't worry. Look for a small tienda called "Yasmin". Adjacent to this you'll find a huge wall with a metal door (See Photo). Wide enough to let big rigs in. When we arrived there was no bell, so we knocked the door hard. Success! Carlos opened with a big smile. He is building and fixing racing 4x4 cars. Super clean shop. Smart and nice guy. Recommended. (no wifi)


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Carlos Martin worked meticulously on our car, front and rear brakes, repairing the locking - unlocking system to switch to 4x4 or 4x2 which no longer worked, and changing oil of the gear and transfert boxes. He appreciated that we made an appointment by telephone : +51 956 684 492.

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Another positive input for Carlos.

We stored our car here for a to trip Holland, and asked him to already start working on the revision of our gearbox and transfer case. Unfortunately he was swamped in work, so didn't do anything while we were away.
Upon our return he worked on our van, while helping other travelers with paperwork, part searches, etc. Takes some time, but he is VERY precise, and won't rush a job. It's done right or not...
So, call in advance if you can, account for double the time he thinks it will take, and you'll have the best mechanic we've encountered so far.

One further remark, he uses a hired mechanic Ruben from time to time to do the simple wrenching. Either ask Carlos to double check his work, or do it yourself. He is a bit latino sloppy..

Pricing very fair / ludicrously cheap, especially for labor.

I could use his shop and tools to do some other small jobs as well, very convenient.

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If you need a good mechanic - this is the place! We got an new engine for our Super carry and yes we spent there a lot of time but he worked very exactly and didn't want us to leave till the engine is good for our travels.
We can really recommand this place!
Also there is a hot shower and a big space for lots of cars.( also big trucks)
Very helpful, nice person and a real good responsable mechanic - we had a lot of fun with him- and still can call him for all questions!

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Not the sexiest place in Peru, but the best mechanic we’ve had even better than official Iveco France!! 4x4 profesional but he can fix everything! Just beware that from time to time he has a lot to do (also with storage paperwork) so it can take longer than expected... but it’s better to wait and get it properly done, than going to a random place!
(Look at the pictures to find the entrance!!)

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We have been in Peru for a while now. We needed a little more (new) work done. It was worth the time and gas money to return to Carlos and have it done right. We are back, and will return again if anything else is needed. A good, fair mechanic is a treasure. Also, new rigs in the yard and a good place for storage.

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After having parked our camper for a month at Carlos’ property he also did some maintenance stuff on our camper (oil, filters, break pads change), then we decided to lift our van 6 cm. Carlos really knows his stuff and is an excellent mechanic, after seeing his output I’d trust him with everything (and I’m super picky when it comes to my car...German tradition I guess).
Besides being a gifted mechanic (he was several times the team mechanic at the rally Dakar through Latinamerica) he’s a very honest guy that will not charge you crazy for repairs and has a true overlander attitude ... very willing to help you out and give you advice. This was the best mechanic experience I’ve had so far...(traveling for 1+ years now)
Though one must say the town/suburb where Carlos is located isn’t particularly pretty but it’s also not horrible. His house and workshop are nice and you can relax there, though it’s next to a large street (traffic can be noisy, especially at night should you have to stay at his place for longer).

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This man knows his stuff. And has tools and connections to tackle anything. We spent quite a few days there. Bathroom. Water. Electric. Fully fenced. Dogs okay. Caution- he finishes current project before starting on you. So if you’re in a rush, you may be frustrated. But the work gets done and it gets done right. See also storage and parking here if needed.

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Extremely helpful owner call Carlos.
Super helpful with everything you need.
Better contact him before coming

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if you are looking for a serious well known Mecanic, Carlos is your man. like mentioned already Carlos has lots of knowlegde and know many people for specific problems. He worked non stop 3 days on or vehicle for a fair price. Still know he is answering my new problems I have on the road and trying to help from distance. Higly recommended.

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Español: Especialista de 4x4 autos, soldadura de gas, revisiones de Motor y más, reparaciónes, ajustares, pinturas, autos/camionetas/camiones

English: 4x4 Professional, gas welding, inspection of engines, repairs and adjustments, paintings, cars/SUV/trucks

Deutsch: Auf der Suche nach einem guten 4x4 Mechaniker für meinen 12-Tonnen-Steyr bin ich durch glückliche Umstände auf Carlos gestoßen. Carlos ist einer der führenden 4x4 Rallye Spezialisten in der Offroad Szene Limas. Betreut u.a. auch die Teilnehmer der Dakar Rallye. Carlos arbeitet extrem sorgfältig, konzentriert und sauber. E- und Schutzgas-Schweißen in Top-Qualität. Lackierungen. Motor-Revision und -Einstellung. Die Werkstatt ist von aussen absolut nicht zu erkennen. Der Eingang befindet sich direkt auf der rechten Seite der Carretera Central stadtauswärts. Nur eine sehr breite, unscheinbare Stahltür lässt ahnen, dass dahinter etwas ist. Die GPS Koordinaten geben die Position des Tores sehr genau wieder. In dem grossen Tor ist noch einmal eine kleine, etwa halbhohe Tür eingelassen. Rechts davon befindet sich ein winziger, schwarzer Klingelknopf (s.Fotos) Einfacher geht es, wenn man beherzt dagegen hämmert - ruhig kräftig, damit man es drinnen auch hört.

Carlos hat gerne zugestimmt, daß ich hier seine Mobil/WhatsApp Nr. veröffentliche +51 956 684 492. Einfach anrufen oder anschreiben. Er spricht AUSSCHLIESSLICH Spanisch. Mit ein paar Grundkenntnissen - mehr habe ich selbst nicht - kommt man aber gut klar. Sein Gelände bietet Platz für ca. 3~4 große LKW. Das Gelände ist sauber, sicher und hat sogar einen Garten/Rasen - das sieht schon mal hübsch aus (Foto). Dusche, WC, Wasser, Strom sind vorhanden (kein WiFi aber 3G Empfang). Einkaufsmöglichkeiten in der Nachbarschaft oder eben in Chaclacayo sind alle easy zu erreichen. Chaclacayo ist sicher, hübsch und grün. Klima ist viiiel angenehmer als in Lima.

PS: Hier hatte ich meinen Lkw sogar für 10x Monate abgestellt, um nach Deutschland zu fliegen. In Lima hätte die Salzatmosphäre meinen Steyr aufgefressen, hier ist alles top geblieben.

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This is the Chief Mechanic of Lima's 4x4 scenery. Once you arrive, you don't find any information, signs - nothing. Annoying yes, but don't worry. Look for a small tienda called "Yasmin". Adjacent to this you'll find a huge wall with a metal door (See Photo). Wide enough to let big rigs in. When we arrived there was no bell, so we knocked the door hard. Success! Carlos opened with a big smile. He is building and fixing racing 4x4 cars. Super clean shop. Smart andhhz. und m njhij7jhi6hm7hi888u nice guy. Reconj8h9l9m8kijnnm8jj+7+7zmojukii7kiikihki8jg6hkuik8knjn7j8hmmended. (no wifi) mnjmm8mkio9mb u7k9h7jk9jni89lzhjui9jkh8hnhu8jlhb gi9vh7uomoujj u kikh7umk theirs87j7juj88hnv6uji7b6h6hhh8mo9om89m8bmm987mnjj89.nb8j

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