Chile - Argentina | Customs and Immigration



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Immigration and Customs from Chile and Argentina. All in one building, in the town of Jama. Windows for the various Argentinian and Chilean functions are numbered, so it makes it very easy to know where to go.

Winter opening hours (01/05>30/08) : 8am-6pm
as of 01/06/24 opens at 9 am (Argentinien time)


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Argentina --> Chile with German number plate. Easy border crossing. No queuing at 12 am on a Sunday. Very friendly. You just need to wait some time as they check the cars in a row. Very strict and detailed check! They even take dried fruits.

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Tried to cross here twice. First time we only got granted 15 days by aduana afater a nightmare crossing. We returned to chile and tried again a week later, we got flat out denied because of no residency of chile. They seem to be cracking down on the residency part of the law… good luck

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Chile -> Argentina with Chilean plate vehicle: for this passage you need luck, either you come across the right team which lets you pass without problem, or you come across the team which is not aware of its own laws . Which was our case. We had all the documents (padron, jurada declaration, etc.), but they said that if you do not have permanent residence you cannot pass. What is wrong. Take the legal articles with you and stay calm. with a little luck the customs officer will have a little sense and take the time to check the legal information. If they show you a document that says otherwise, it is from 2016 and is no longer up to date!

Chili -> Argentine avec véhicule plaque Chilienne : pour ce passage il faut de la chance, soit vous tombez sur la bonne équipe qui vous laisse passer sans problème, soit vous tombez sur l'équipe qui n'est pas au courant de ses propres lois. Ce qui a été notre cas. Nous avions tous les documents (padron, déclaration jurada,...), mais disent que si vous n'avez pas la résidence permanente vous ne pouvez pas passer. Ce qui est faux. Prenez les articles de lois avec vous et restez calme. avec un peu de chance le douanier aura un peu de jugeote et prendra le temps de vérifier les informations des lois. Si ils vous montrent un document qui dit le contraire, il date de 2016 et n'est plus à jour !

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quick update:
this facility opens at 9:00 Argentinien time), maybe the 8-6 in the description is Chilean time
if you are a cyclist and there at 8:45 you can pass the line of waiting trucks and get in first (reduces the risk of being stuck behind a tour bus)
on the printed document it said that the facility closes at 19:00 (I did not check though if this corresponds to reality)

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Easy and friendly. All in 30 min. No queue at 10 am from Argentina. They come in vehicle to see fridge and food place. No dogs

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We were very concerned about this border crossing.
We travel with a Chilenean car as extrajeros and the previous comments don’t give us much hope.

We arrived and there was already a long queue with 5 buses, 10 trucks and a lot of cars. It’s not a good idea to cross the border when there is a international football game, we thought.

Buut. Everything was quite chill.
Although there were many people, it took us 1 hour for the whole border crossing. That was really fast. The staff is very efficient and very friendly.
The only „thing“ that slowed down the process, have been the unorganized people that do not know which documents they have to show on which station.

Immigration of Argentina and Chile were very fast. And also the Aduana (2 and 4) don’t take long. They didn’t say anything about us driving a Chile car. No problem at all. We got our documents stamped, they kept our export permission (the Chile document that you get when you leave Chile with a Chile car), that’s it.

SAG also looked keen but not so much in our vehicle. We had some already cut apples but we had to leave them. Cheese was ok.

Don’t worry about this border. They are strict but very friendly. Come prepared than you are fine, also as a foreigner with Chile car.

For more questions or to connect reach out to us via IG: @post_card_for_you. We are happy to share more details.

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Arg -> Chile.
Friendly officers, fast process.
When we came to getting a new TIP for Chile, the officer said that in the system our car was already in the country. Luckily, we could show him a photo of our last Chilenean TIP with signature, stamp and the date of "Salida". So he gave us a new TIP without further discussion.

Always take a photo of your old TIP when you leave a country! it comes in handy...

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Chile-> Arg
Same as the other comment before.
We had the worst experience.
As mentioned there are 4 steps.
We had issues with step 2 &4 for the same reason:
We shouldn't own a Chilean car as foreigners although I have all the necessary papers (poder, jurada, insurance everything).
The Chilean aduana still wanted to see the sales contract between me and the previous owner, although the car is on my name for several months. So just in case take the contract with you
we crossed from.chile to argentina and vice versa several times and never had issues..never needed to show the sales contract.
The argentina aduana also complained about the fact that we own a Chilean car although we aren't Chilean.
It was ridiculous.
we made it though- good luck for everyone next.

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Arg -> Chile
Worst border crossing ever.
Lots of questions from argentinian side why we had this cas if we knew the owner (even though we had poder and everything).
Chile side arguing we should not own a chilean car as foreigners (even though we are returning the car to Chile, what’s the point ?!)
Chile aduanas coming to look for everything that can be open in our car with their gloves

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Paso de Jama, we moved from Argentina to Chile, migration and customs of the two countries are grouped there. Sometimes there are a lot of people. We passed quite quickly. Customs closes at 8 p.m. Pay attention to your tip for the vehicle when you enter Argentina because they did not want to put us more than three months while on the other paso usually we are 8 months old for the vehicle.

Paso de Jama, nous sommes passés de l’Argentine vers le Chili, la migration et la douane des deux pays sont regroupées là. il y a parfois beaucoup de monde. nous sommes passés assez rapidement. la douane ferme à 20 h. faites attention à votre tip pour le véhicule quand vous entrez en Argentine car il n’ont pas voulu nous mettre plus de trois mois alors que sur les autres Paso habituellement on a 8 mois pour le véhicule.

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easiest and fastest border crossing since Canada. took 25 min total, no inspection. staff very friendly (especially the control guy at the end) - the gas station after the border is the only one for the next 300-400 km

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To go from Chile to Argentina it took us about 30 minutes. Chile and Argentina Customs are grouped together in the same premises at Paso de Jama. They asked to look inside our motorhome but did not open any closet. Customs close at 8 p.m.

pour passer de Chili en Argentine ça nous a pris environ 30 minutes. la douane du Chili et de l’argentine sont regroupées dans les mêmes locaux au Paso de Jama. il ont demandé a regarder l’intérieur de notre motorhome mais n’ont ouvert aucun placard. les douanes ferment à 20h.

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Worst border crossing yet all the way from Canada. Was a simple organized process but took 5 hrs.

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As described by others, a simple organized process. Unfortunately there was a bus load of people ahead of us so it took about 90 mins. Otherwise you’ll probably get through in 30.

Importantly the ag inspection was cursory. Opened the back of the Land Cruiser and didn’t look for anything. That was good because…you know.

Other than the bus, a painless crossing.

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We crossed this border twice as foreigners with a Chilean moto.

Argentina - Chile: Very efficient and easy. No issues at all

Chile - Argentina- Aduana argued that we could not take our Chilean moto our of Chile as foreigners even though we have all the right paperwork and have crossed many times back and forth. They would not accept our documents and I begged them to give us one month just to get out of there. They agreed and told us to return by January. This is against the law as we are allowed to export the vehicle for up to 180 days. Be aware that the Aduana here do not know the rules so have your paperwork and research done just in case!

Let's just say we are glad to have left Chile!

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Very easy border crossing! No problems. Very efficient and fast. Didn’t even check the camper for food… just let us go :)

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Chile --> Argentinia
The most organized border crossing since we've traveled down here from Canada. You start at window number 1 and end 10 meters further on window number 4. (with dog to window number 5). It took us an hour even though a bus arrived in front of us. Meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables are controlled and cannot be imported into Argentina.

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Chile to Argentina in a Chilean registered car. No issues but we only received 3 months on our temporary export permit. We are heading south so no problem for us but ask for more if you are heading north.We had a New Declaration Jurado from San Pedro De Atacama and all other paperwork in order and in my name. Just follow all 5 steps and make sure your paper is stamped at each step.

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Super fast, 15 minutes for us, windows 1-4 in order. Just wanted to add that they didn’t care about fruit or veg going into Argentina.

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Argentina to Chile. Very fast and efficient crossing for one person and a UK-registered motorcycle. Whole process took maybe 45 minutes, and most of that was waiting in line for the small number of people ahead of me. Numbered windows next to each other made the process very straight forward:

1) Argentinian Immigrations
2) Argentinian Customs
3) Chile Immigrations
4) Chile Customs (Vehicle TIP)
5) Chile Customs (Agricultural)

The Agricultural Customs lady said she wanted to check my bags, but when she saw them strapped on the bike, she just did a cursory look in my panniers and wished my well for my journey. The Chilean officials were all extremely friendly and helpful.

Each step of the process is tracked on a single slip of paper which you're given as you enter the border area. Each window gives you a stamp on this form. When it's full, you head to the border, show it to the guard, and be on your way. Very efficient and easy.

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Chile -> Argentina
Surprisingly, the fastest border for us in two years travelling in South America. We have a Chilean car. So we were prepared with a printed version of the law and a new Declaracion Jurada. The lady from the Chilean Aduana asked if we had a Chilean Identity. After our no, she asked for the Declaracion Jurada. She filled in the information and she was done.

In total the border crossing took us 30 minutes.

We made a new Declaracion Jurada in Arica with all the contact information from the driver and the statement that we will return the car in 180 days. And apparently that was sufficient. Good luck!

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Chile > Argentina

What a saga! We knew this crossing would be a pain in the ass as foreigners with a Chilean car and it really was. But we got through in the end. The padron is in my name for only 2 days which added to all the complications because the Aduana said my name didn't show up as the owner on their system (apparently can take 2 weeks to update after the Registro Civil completes the transfer...)

Tried to pass on a Wednesday but absolutely no chance with the personal that were there. I may have lost my temper with the lady to be fair. Her boss said that if we come back with proof of residency then of course we can pass... no problem. Clearly we can't produce this. The guys from Aduana Argentina were just shaking their heads and after seeing this ordeal took us aside to tell us to try on Friday afternoon after the weekly shift change. According to them the other group of Chilean officials is more relaxed.

Returned on Friday with a fresh declaracion jurada. Same procedure and same explanation for the refusal of exit from a different Chilean Aduana lady. We remained calm and polite this time and she explained to us over and over that it is not possible to exit Chile with the car as non residents and that she is fed up of tourists trying to cross the border when they know this is not allowed. We kept insisting that there must be a solution. She relented and told us the Argentinan Aduana will tell us the exact same and will refuse us entry. The guy from the Argentina Aduana was super chill and said we could cross for 30 days no problem. So she had to relent and let us pass.

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Ok this was the easiest border crossing in our entire PanAm journey crossing from Chile to Argentina with two dogs. First weirdly they asked for covid vaccination cards in this day and age which we had so no problem. But rest was smooth. You only go in one building to do the process for both countries. Follow the booth 1 to 4 in that order where each booth will take care of exit from Chile to entry to Argentina. Cancelling the TIP and new TIP also. The vet there was super friendly and only asked for official SAG document from Chile and no other document. For car inspection they came and gave our dogs a pet and said bye to us. Overall everything took less than 30 minutes. I guess worth the crazy climb here. Thankfully there was a gas station right here.

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We passed through here as foreigners with a Chilean vehicle without problem. We had to use an authorisation (from the previous owner who was french) as we only had the vehicle for 4weeks.

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Came through today (Chile to Argentina as foreigners with a Chilean car), but only after having fought the customs for about two hours. They kept waving a legal text in our face and telling us we shall not pass. Finally they relented, when we showed them another regulation (from; link to regulation below), but only after they consulted their superior by phone.

Link to regulation:

The article concerning foreigners owning a Chilean vehicle is 17.2.3. Have at least a screenshot of the title of the regulation, the table of contents and the specific article. And don’t give in, but keep insisting. They were disrespectful, though I may have lost my temper, too. 😀

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We tried to cross that border twice as foreigners with a chilean car. No chance to exit Chile. The lady was very unfriendly and insisted on the law.

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Chile to Argentina
Very easy process and well organized. Everything in the same building. If there is a line of trucks just pass them.
The Senag guy searched a little the van but he just opened 3 cupboards, not even the fridge.
Very friendly people. 45 min it was done

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It took 5 hours for me to pass the Chilean border. Only 3 minutes at the Argentinian side. Lots of drama as usual in Chile.

I extended my visa and paid $100 online but never received an email saying the extension was accepted. I showed them the copy of the payment and let him log into the system but he wasn’t able to find a mistake which I supposedly did.

Next issue was the vehicle I bought in Chile and I didn’t have the original title after 2 long months waiting for it. Big drama! Lots of arguing.

I finally pulled out my blanket and pad and said I will sleep here until you let me pass. And that speeded up the Prozess.

He then even printed the title for me , because they have it in the system and just acted like assholes. At the end he also spoke English, before everyone said there is no one who speaks English.

An hour later I was in Argentina who didn’t care for anything and were super nice.

Chile bye bye never see you again! Too much drama about everything!

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Impossible to cross the border with Chilean plate today. The guy from the chilean immigration doesn't want let us go outside from Chile with the car. We have of course all of the paper Rut, declaration and authorization to go out of Chile. He said with an non permanent Rut it's not allowed to cross the border. He asked also for an other paper "El certificado de anotaciones vigente" we didn't have it. Then when we have this paper he said it's not the good name on it because it's the old owner with also a non permanent rut.
First time with the car to cross the border and not successful.
Thanks to the Argentinian guy trying to help us!

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Argentina to Chile. The passports and paperwork for both countries took only a few minutes. The Chilean aduana conducted a very thorough search of our camper. They took fruits and vegetables, our (open) dried lentils, an open package of dried beans, unopened dried garbanzos, and popcorn seeds.

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We arrived after the border closed. We had some problems with our campervan and one of them was that our heater didn’t work. The guys from the army offered us to sleep inside a room. Put down a matras and a blanket for us and our dog. Really kind.

Next day we passed the border in 30-45 minutes. Again really kind people. Our certification for our dog was expired (we thought it was valid for 60 days but it was 30 days). They warned us to get a new one but let us through. Checked a few cabins of our campervan.

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Crossing from Chile to Argentina:
Easy border, as described before. Less than an hour. They opened at 9am (Argentine time). They checked for fruits and took all away (vegetables, fruits, eggs (uncooked)).

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Paso Jama. From Chile to Argentina.

Working hours 8.00 - 20.00 probably every day.

Pretty quick and efficient - like 1 hour in total. Argentinians asked the usual "are you importing some electronics" questions and were super nice (also the army guy gave us some tourist prospects for Jujuy region and some advice - that really happened for the first time 😁).

But we met some guys on the way who entered Chile and they said that Chileans turned the whole camper around and checked for all the usual food stuff, like not the best experience 😬

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Passage rapide et personnel gentil

Papeles rapidamente completado y policia amable !

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Fast and efficient border crossing!
Friendly people.
We arrived around noon on a Saturday, only a few people, took us less than 30 minutes in total.

Inspection of the van took less than a minute. They didn’t ask for fruits or alike and they didn’t look for it.

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Chile to Argentina, lot of people around 3pm, but when we left at 5:20pm almost nobody there. Very unpleasant woman at Argentina aduana. She has been angry since very beginning and then she checked the list of ours entries and departures and found out that there is missing one aduana departure from 2-3months ago. But we did the aduana, just someone didn't put it in the system. But after that we entered and left the country several times without problems. But she started to be more angry, didn't want to talk to us in English and was very mad if we don't understand Spanish. She went to ask her boss what to do. Let us go but in the end she was yelling at us in English that we have to go, that she did a big favour to us and we don't appreciate it. Hopefully they didn't check the car for fruits etc. Maybe it was too late already. So at least one good thing 🙂

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This border took us 100 minutes of our life 😳 Had to open all furnitures of our truck. They took our (old) honey and the garlic. onion was okay because it was peeled. Cooked meat, eggs and cooked vegetables we're ok

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Crossed very fast, doesn't look nothing. just some jokes about my stuffed puppy dog lol!

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we crossed with Chilean plates (Portuguese with RUT) but the aduana guy didn't want to let us pass although we had the declaración jurada and the authorization from the owner to leave the country (since we bought it recently it's still not in our name). but we made it through after a bit of arguing and showing him the law. it was very crowded, stayed there for three hours, arrived at 11 am.

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Chile to Argentina
We got a small paper with places for stamps. First they wanted to see the Covid Vax card or a PCR Test, then we went into the Building on the right side and got stamps at each station 1-4 (Migracion and Aduana) after that our van got checked for fruits and veggies, which are not allowed to take into argentina. Took about 30-40 minutes.

Report Check-In

Very thorough investigation of our campertruck. Everything had to be opened, also my handbag. They even took my wood and feathers I collect and have been several times over the border to Chile, but now suddenly it was prohibited. They even wanted to take some wooden blocks we use to level the truck, but left them because they were to heavy. Also we had to go back into the office when they found our mountainbike in the garage. We had to declare it just like our truck and our motorbike. Very strange, never had this before.

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they asked for a declaration jurada: document which states that the vehicle will return back to Chile. this document should be notarized (possible in San Pedro de atacama). this may not be mandatory but better to have it.

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Argentina —> Chile

1 building with 4 desks after each other. Nobody their at 9 am. Process inside maybe 30 minutes total. Then they come outside to check the vehicle. Be aware its not allowed to take fruits and vegetables, nuts, eggs, quinoa without original package. Friendly lady but they are strict when you enter Chile.

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We crossed the border from Chile to Argentina without problems. We are foreigners with a american car on our name (no poder). There was no need for a fumigation. They checked the Vaccination Certificate.

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Arrived around 4:30 on a Sunday from Chile to Argentina. We were the only people crossing. As mentioned before, first get the stamp form from the officer, then pay for fumigation, then drive to back of building and go in to stop at each window in order. Very streamlined and efficient. Everyone was friendly. Argentina does not stamp the passports. At the final step the officer peaked inside the camper, didn't ask about fruits or anything. We had insurance but no one asked for it. We were delightfully surprised with how easy this crossing was. Crossed with our American plated truck camper.

Report Check-In

Crossed border successfully as foreigners with Chilean plated car (had Declaración Jurada, autorización and contract with us, nothing more, but all printed out). Nobody asked for insurance, although we had one.
First there are two small houses right on the street. You have to ask the policemen in the second one for a ticket where all the stamps are placed when you finish. Then you go to the first house and pay for fumigación (I think it was 2000 CLP). After that you leave the car on the road and go along the road to a small round house. In this house they checked our COVID vaccinations and we got our first stamp for the ticket. After that you go back to the car and drive along the road to the big building on the left side and park there. In the building there are 4 different counters and you just need to pass them all in the right order (you will get a stamp on you ticket for each station). Had no problems at all. After that, driving further down the road, they checked our car roughly, took away one banana and we could leave, returning the ticket back before passing the last barrier. Took us maybe ~ 1 ½ hours.

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Boarder crossing from Chile to Argentina
Whole process took around 4 hours
Foreign drivers with Chilean plated cars
Print your RUT and all necessary papers ahead of time, keep the boarder paper with all the stamps close until the end
Road is beautiful and in good condition, consider the effect of the altitude on your body
Gas station on the boarder was not selling gas when we were there

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Rather hectic. The Argentinians are not stamping passports today and only using the digital copies of the entry forms. No internet so be sure to have copies screenshot or downloaded. Did not check vaccination documents or insurance despite saying they would.

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crossed into Chile, they didnt ask for vaccine certificate?? but travel insurance etc..relatively easy. the inspection found a piece of cheese in the box,suspiciously staring at me?!...the other guy looked at him and said so what?

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Tried to go Chile to Argentina in our Chilean car. The guy at desk 2 insisted that we need Chilean residence to take the car out of the country, even with our padrón, RUT and declaration jurada. We have crossed the border to Argentina many times before with no problems, but this officer was very stubborn, as well as highly grumpy.

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Chile to Argentina. Easy crossing. 30 minutes max. Go to Desks 1-2-3-4 in that order! TIP for vehicle for 240 days. Waved us through. Did not check vehicle so not sure about restrictions re food.

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Smooth and easy. All well organized. They check the car and ask for fruits, usual. Took us 30min.

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Quick and friendly crossing. Just go all the counters in the building from No 1 to 5. Fast, even with some busses coming. Also a check of your car when done with the formals.

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Smooth border crossing.
We were a bit unlucky a big tourist bus arrived 5 minutes before us so there was a line of +60 people. However, the staff works pretty fast so it took us only 1 hour in total to cross from Chile to Argentina. They didn't really check the inside of our van. They looked for 10 seconds inside and that's it.

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Chilean car with foreigner drivers - you need to be lucky or unlucky here. After being rejected at Paso Sico for not having residence, we were advised to get a declaration notarised at San Pedro stating we will return the car to Chile in 180 days (see details of regulation in Paso Sico immigration comment). We got the document anyways and went to Jama where we needed it and also the original RUT number document (not sure what this is) in addition to the Poder. So highly recommend getting it (attached the template and official regulation)

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We are foreigners with a Chilean car (and our own padrón) and didn't have any problems. Border crossing took about twenty minutes, but
only because de Chilean officer was calling with his girlfriend for ten minutes :'). They didn't really check our car.

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Note for those with USA plated car and needing to change registration plates at the border. This is not possible here!
We crossed the border from Chile to Argentina at Paso de Jama yesterday. I wanted you to know it's all in one building and it would be absolutely impossible to do a registration plate change there.
When you enter you get a piece of paper with the car registration on it. This paper has to be shown at every stage and in exit, so there is no ways to exit on one plate and enter on different plates.
There is also nowhere to hide the car from officials, so you would not be able to physically change the plates without being seen.

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We came from Hito Cajón today then crossed Paso Jama (so Bolivia -> Chile -> Argentina). The Chilean aduana lady tried to tell us we can’t leave Chile with our Chilean car if we are not permanent residents of Chile. We have been travelling 6 months already, I have a RUT and the padron is in my name. We crossed from Chile to Bolivia in Ollague only 3 days ago and they didn’t give us any hassle. We exited the rentered the vehicle to Chile many times already. I don’t know why today she chose to hassle us. We have all of our documents... even the one saying we will return to Chile within 6 months. We told her all of this and she still insisted for a while we can’t exit Chile but eventually she gave us our papers and let us go.

Report Check-In

Leaving Chile, entering Argentina: very organized, they do exit and entry, migracion and Aduana, in same building in 4 consecutive windows. No one went inside our van, did not ask us about fresh food, did not take anything.

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# Competent
# Friendly
# Fast and well organized
# serios and profund work

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Travelling by bicycle - we declared that we are carrying non allowed food items (dried fruit, nuts, seeds etc for our Porridge in the morning) & showed everything during control. The guy was really nice and allowed us to keep everything (probably because we are travelling by bicycle and because we had no fresh fruit/veggies). That morning they searched everyone.
The whole process took like an hour, because you get like 5 stamps going from one aduana guy to another. They also asked for our bicycles frame numbers and a proof where we bought them (We carry a picture of our receipt from Germany which was enough).
Probably the most complicated border crossing so far, but everyone was really friendly.

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This is the Argentina and Chile’s border in the same place. Small and nice border, was pretty quick, they took our vegetables and fruits so don’t forget to eat yours. We had dairy too, but they didn’t said anything !

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First time we had a hard time to leave Chile as foreigners with chilean car. We've got all papers, included declaracion jurada. They finally accept us 3 months outside of Chile instead of 6 months.
Took 2h in total...

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This border is very easy to cross! We crossed with an American car (with a poder) and our cat. We only had to pay 200$ AR for our cat but no other paper needed (except his European passport). They didn't check our car for fruits or veggies. The whole thing took less than an 1h .

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Incredible! Quick, efficient, friendly and all done in 20mins. Unbelievable how friendly these customs officials were.

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when trying to leave Chile with only an authorization document we were given a hard time and told we could only leave for two weeks. we were also told here and further South that we shouldn't be allowed even with a padron. Contrary to what we read we got through Chile to Bolivia at the crossing east of Arica

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Managed to cross here with our chilean car. Aduana lady first refused, but once she saw we were in Argentina before, she let us with no problem. Argentinians were friendly as ever. All in all easy border crossing.

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Easy border! Had 0 problems crossing the border Chile - Argentina as foreigners with Chilean car. They just asked for pardon and declaracion jurada and that’s it :)

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Best border crossing since U.S/Canada. Very quiet, well set up, nice people. I think it took two of us on motos 15 minutes total on a Saturday afternoon. The vehicle inspection lady asked if we had the yellow fever vaccination...thought that was strange, she didn't ask for proof either.

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Chile to Argentina:

The Argentina food control asked to see proof of vaccination against yellow fever.

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Take care the customs are open from 09h00 to 16h00.
We are arriving at 16h30 and it was closed.
We have sleeping in our motorhome to the gas station (they have room for sleep too).
It was the most easy and friendly custom since one year.
In the morning there was a lot of truck who wait for the opening, but at 11h00 we was alone.
In 30mn it was finish.

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Travelling from Argentina to Chile, by bicycle :
- although it was supposed to open at 8am, it only opened at 9:15am
- we were asked for our frame number, first time in 4 time enterring Chile, to do importation paper for the bicycle
- the guy of SAG search really thoughtfully our bags, and took away peanuts, nuts and raisins ... knowing that we were going in the desert for 3 days until San Pedro
All in all, it took us 1,5 hour.

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Saturday 1 pm no queue.. Done in 15 minutes.

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Great border- In and out in 25 mins! Like stated before, everything conveniently in one building. When exiting, a kind man did search our van with a cute dog although the dog didn’t sniff out any of our food lol and when we showed the man an onion we had, he didn’t even say anything. Weather was great here in late December!

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chile to argentina:
you start at the first counter and finish at the last, all in one building, very easy, very fast and organized,
no copy needed, noone ask for insurance, vehicle check: just looked into the car for seconds, he did not care about the potatoes we showed him

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Great , less 1.hour, very helpfull, essy controll
Viva argentinia.

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ok efficaces et arrangeants

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If your coming during holiday season in january, not organized and efficient at all.
Staff and structure is not able to handle the amount of people.
We arrived at 18:00. Queu not moving. cars honking.
20:00 guard's knock-off. boarder closed! spend the night at 0 degrees.
Next morning only 8:00. Incredible queu, disorganized procedures, after 3hs still not out of Argentina. Chilean check yet to come.
If it snows up the pass or a truck breaks down, they shut down the system and pause the immigration process, instead of processing the paperwork in order to have everybody ready to go when the pass is free.
Kids vomiting, families in rage....
The first impression you get from Chile ,that claims to be above all Latin America!.
Wanted to seize my machete. I insisted it's a part of my toolbox. Won't give it away.

Report Check-In

Quick and efficient. Was not asked for insurance. If you want to be safe, you can arrange before via ATM seguros San Martin, [email protected], 011 4713 5266 (Juan). Costs around 15$ per month but only includes Argentina (if you have a local contact who makes the insurance for you, you can get Mercosur coverage).

Report Check-In

Quite convenient and fast. They checked the vehicle more than anywhere else and took the potatoes and bananas away.
There is a medical point, where you can ask for some oxygen if you don't feel well because of the altitude.

Report Check-In

Fantastic border. Super chill, super easy. Organized and all in one.

Report Check-In

All in one border crossing. Chilean and Argentinian customs and aduana and sag/senasa are all sitting next to eachother. Were asked to pay 65pesos for entering the dog which we believe was a bribe. Weren't asked to pay on any other crossing further south. Vehicle inspection didn't take too long. We heard American passport holders need to pay a reciprocity fee online before entering Argentina.

Report Check-In

Very efficient border post, whole process took 30min. They didn't check our car thoroughly but did check. Quinoa and grains were fine, they just looked to check there were no bugs nesting inside. Dried chillies they confiscated because of the seeds. They looked for things like fresh eggs, garlic, onions etc. none of which we had.

Report Check-In

Most thorough border crossing to Chile we have had, searched the entire car

Report Check-In

Immigration and Customs from Chile and Argentina.

Report Check-In

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