Choqolaqa - Amazing rock formations | Tourist Attraction



about 1 month ago
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We visited this place from Chivay. Access is via Tisco and then follow the road straight through Tisco (don't turn left to centre, just keep going) and you will see the road zigzagging up the hill in front of you. It's about 1 hour from there to the rock formations with signs to tell you the way. It's all dirt road, nothing too taxing, but more bumpy by car I would imagine. The lady there took us on a 1.5hour walk around the formations (or opt for a 4.5hr walk to cover all if you dare)! We didn't as we were in motorcycle gear and it was almost 5000m, although she has coca leaves if you need some. It was well worth the effort. We gave the lady a tip at the end but she didn't ask for one. The route is not on or pocket earth. Amazing scenery. Also you can camp there, although you may have to walk 2 mins to the designated camp spot with open basic toilets. Not sure if you can camp by their property. Lots of space though.


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Это одно из самых необычных скальных образований, которые мы встретили на нашем пути за 6 месяцев путешествия по Южной Америке. Трудно доступное, высота от 4700 до 5000. На узкой дороге мы не нашли место для парковки и остановились на обочине. От главной дороги (с востока) ехали более 2х часов. После Чоколка мы поехали дальше по этой же дороге. Она была не указана на картах. Довольно неплохого качества. Но за пару км до главной дороги стала катастрофически ужасной. С божьей помощью проехали. Наш Sprinter 2WD сделал это 👍

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The land owner came to ask what we were coming for. After 3 minutes speaking he welcomed us and let us go. He asked a propina when we left... And was happy with 10 soles.
We came by Chulleta and the road was not bad and the landscape was wonderful.
The rock formation is crazy and it really worth it. We created our own way and followed the rock formation by the leftside until the top of the hill. And just before it, there is a path to go thru the hoodoos on the picture.

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This place is amazing and was actually one of our favourite hikes in South America so far.
We came from Chivay through Tisco as the original poster described. It took us just over 2 hours to reach Choqolaqa from Tisco in our long wheelbase van. Road is very good with just a few deep stone drainage channels running across the road, you have to go slow to avoid bottoming out.
We camped the night and hiked the following morning. The lady offered to take us but we declined. The hike goes anti clockwise around the stone formations and has signs leading the way, although in some parts we lost track of the signs and made our own way. The scenery is amazing and the fact we had the whole place to ourselves made it all the more special. The hike took us roughly 3.5 hours. Very easy hike apart from the altitude.
When we left, we drove back on the same road and turned left at the first road (around 10kms back) which took us all the way to the PE-34E highway and from there we continued north. Well worth the detour to visit this amazing place.

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We visited this place from Chivay. Access is via Tisco and then follow the road straight through Tisco (don't turn left to centre, just keep going) and you will see the road zigzagging up the hill in front of you. It's about 1 hour from there to the rock formations with signs to tell you the way. It's all dirt road, nothing too taxing, but more bumpy by car I would imagine. The lady there took us on a 1.5hour walk around the formations (or opt for a 4.5hr walk to cover all if you dare)! We didn't as we were in motorcycle gear and it was almost 5000m, although she has coca leaves if you need some. It was well worth the effort. We gave the lady a tip at the end but she didn't ask for one. The route is not on or pocket earth. Amazing scenery. Also you can camp there, although you may have to walk 2 mins to the designated camp spot with open basic toilets. Not sure if you can camp by their property. Lots of space though.

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